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Call for Papers

In line with the existing narratives, contemporaneity and emerging counter narratives about the origin and migration patterns of the Urhobo people, the Urhobo Renaissance Society (URS) is organizing a conference, themed: (Re)Thinking Urhobo Origins, Migrations, Cuisines and Marriage Rites. The motive of the conference is to provide a platform for cultural historians and archivists of the respective Urhobo kingdoms and intellectuals to converge and set the narrative about Urhobo origin straight for the sake of providence and future generations of Urhobo sons and daughters. Therefore, the URS is inviting you, PGs of all Urhobo kingdoms, to commission any of your cultural historians or intellectuals to do research on the origin/migration pattern of your respective kingdoms, and make a presentation at the conference, which the URS will then document and publish in a book form. The deadline for the submission of completed essays is 1st November, 2024. Please see our flyers.

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Theme: (Re)Thinking Urhobo Origins, Migrations, Cuisines and Marriage Rites.

Venue: Urhobo House, Uvwiamuge-Agbarho, Delta State.

Date: 21st -22nd November, 2024

Keynote Speakers: Prof Edevbie Onoawarie (Wayne County USA)

Lead Paper presenter: Prof Rose Aziza, (DELSU)

Email for completed essays: ,

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